Dear All ,
Since long i cannot update the information about Library..This August 2009 , we have some difficulties and pleasure at the sametimes..
Difficulities - Landlord increase the renting charges as usual but this time he go far , he ask triple..So, we have to find a new place and for the moment, i can find temporary place for 6 month...i have to find new place again in 6 month.
Pleasure-with some library's fund ,we buy eletric generator and we give it to one village on the way to Mont Popa for the students and villagers. On that day we offer rice soup to all student . And at another village on the way to Salay & Chauk, we offer exercise books to the students.
This year , we have no seminar from our library , only one work shop about ' Negociating Skill'
Well , for the moment this is all i have to share about library.